toca de novo recoger redes, las busquedas matinales...
"finnish classrooms"
aulas españolas,
majawill kij tiene la misma imagen yin yang (yin clase redonda, creativa, yang clase magistral, re creativa
re evolve towards indigenous inside us, is return, as morgan and engels, and jefferson, towards basic principle of communities, talking circle and actual, inmanent, and permanent democracy...
stop to neurodegenartive classrooms, after to have demonstrate their wide success in the development of 1.0, lineal, deductive mainds, now is the turn for abduction, and or creativity, its taim for 2.0 (in both senses), classrooms, towards a collective 2.0 mind so powerfull as our communitary multi co operative system of thousands and thousands millions retinal neurons actualy functioning beyond their by default position in 1.0 classroom of only hear, and quiet! in orthogonal neurosemantic batteries 1.0...
shamanism is overall our humankind planetary today. pieces of shamanism are today administered in holy week with full moon, in risus paschalis pagan and festive activity inside churchs in 20 century!, or in lineal 1.0 military, church, and hierarchic classrooms, hypnozability, is in this way a premise to reach the lineal scientific system of thinking
abduction talking circle classrooms are of inmediate urgency if we want to emergence to all those scientific thoughts, new, about complex systems.
more our classroom would seem and manifest a complex network, measured as the number of possibilities of intra connectivities, more we would understand complex thinking and reality in ous surroundings...,r:3,s:0
in this case it is enough a minimal statistics of images, for count the numbers of classroom images with round circles of people or hiearchic fashion...
ii -- kienes preokupados, realmente, x un futuro, de la vida en sentido
amplio terrikolakuariences,... iii,... x lukydema./lmm... -- video -
Antonio García-Olivares. Mesa crecimiento. Peak Oil Barbastro. iii...
*ii -- kienes preokupados, realmente, x un futuro, de la vida en sentido
amplio terrikolakuariences,... iii,... x lukydema./lmm...*
video - Antonio G...
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